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A AIDA morreu?

Será que a, velhinha, fórmula AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), ou AIDCA/AIDEA (inclui a Conviction/Evidence) ainda faz sentido atualmente?

Concordo que pode não fazer sentido no formato que estamos habituados a ver. Mas considero que ainda está bastante viva (ver o vídeo, e análise, que se sugue):

A: Through sharing stories, the campaign catches the reader or watcher’s attention and makes them stop and read what the organization has to say.

I: What this campaign clearly shows is that by sharing stories, you not only grab the attention of your audience, but at the same time get their interest by making these stories their own!

D: Rather than simply saying “You need to get yourself checked”, the campaigndoes not explain (brain to brain communication) but shows (heart to heart communication) the audience what’s in it for them: “It’s one of the most common diseases with teenagers, and it can be deadly.”

A: “Send this video to anyone turning 16. And check yourself! Educate yourself. You can download tools and information about melanoma here: Share this link. Tweet this link and post it to your Facebook page.” Can’t be any clearer.

Fonte de informação: “NO STORY. NO FANS


Qual é a sua opinião? A AIDA morreu, ou não?

Maria Spínola
“Fix the bad high-tech content”
(+351) 91 293 05 19

P.S. Ou então o seguinte vídeo — analiso o copy (que está excelente), e a fórmula (que NÃO é AIDA) — no Workshop Intensivo de Marketing Copywriting.

Publicado emCopywriting, Copywriting. Copywriter, Storytelling, Workshop

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