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You Are Optimizing Harder than Ever… Make It Pay! (Subject Line Copywriting Contest)


SUBJECT LINE #6: You Are Optimizing Harder than Ever… Make It Pay!

Reason why (of this subject line):

  1. You Are Optimizing Harder than Ever: You are doing your best….
  2. Make It Pay!: …but, maybe, the results are not the best.
  3. You Are Optimizing Harder than Ever… Make It Pay!: It’s not your fault. Gain the knowledge you need. Implies the promise of the dream result.


More subject lines, coming soon — see Copywriting Contest: So you think you can write a good subject line…


Maria Spínola

“Fix the bad high-tech content”
B2B Content Marketing Mapping & Copywriting
+351 91 293 05 19

Publicado emCopywriting, Marketing, Subject Line, Web Copywriting

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