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Copywriting Contest: So you think you can write a good subject line…

Discovering What Really Works in Optimization


If you are a copywriter, or you think you can write a good subject line, then you don’t want to miss this:

I will post, here (and on their website) my best-performing subject line — and win 😉

Do you accept this challenge?

Deadline is 28 March 2012, and  they’ll make it worth your while (check it


[UPDATE: My subject lines — explanations inside each link]:

  1.  Marketing Optimization: What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do
  2. Why 85% of marketers DON’T KNOW WHY they’re running every test they run!
  3. What happens when marketing optimization is done badly?
  4. The optimization summit where you will, truly, solve your most pressing questions
  5. The Cold, Hard Truth About Marketing Optimization
  6. You Are Optimizing Harder than Ever… Make It Pay!
  7. All the effort and resources you invest in testing and optimization gets you to where you want to go?
  8. The Curse of  Marketing Optimization…


Maria Spínola

“Fix the bad high-tech content”
B2B Content Marketing Mapping & Copywriting
+351 91 293 05 19

Publicado emCopywriting, Copywriting. Copywriter, Email, Subject Line

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